Sunday, May 29, 2011

WIP shots of the Spider

This is the WIP update for the Arachnarok spider, Im happy with the way that its progressing. Let me know what you think.. Apologies for the picture quality, they were taken with my phone. New camera will come in soon so hopefully they will improve. :).

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Some other examples of my artwork...

This was another tattoo design that I did for a friend of mine. although the dragon definitely needs work. Could do with more detail. although as a first attempt at drawing a rose I think it turned out very well. :)

 This is one of a set of 8 drawings that I am currently working on. They are a selection of weapons with dragon wings worked into the design. Its for a "powerful chaos from the past to now" sort of thing. As the dragon is supposed to be an all powerful mythical being. The set is Axe, Sword, Staff, Grenade, Jet, Bomb, Nuke, Mushroom cloud. All with dragon wings. Ill post the full set once its complete.

An attempt at a tattoo design that I did a while back. I like it. although there is too much space between the two words on the banner, I think I should have moved the bottom of the banner up. The heart was added as an afterthought because the bottom of the image was very empty.

This is the previously posted Dragon up a tree, prior to inking it and as far as I am concerned ruining it...

The new stuff has arrived

I have recently renewed my interest in the Games Workshop Citadel Miniatures hobby. Not the boring table top wargaming side of the hobby but the building and painting of the miniatures. I recently purchased a collection of Savage Orcs and an Arachnarok Spider which I very much like the look of.

I also went through my collection of old paints from many years ago, when I was very involved in the hobby. Unfortunately, years of remaining stagnant had resulted in the paints doing what they do and drying up to a rather concrete like consistency and becoming more like paperweights than paint pots. So the other day I took the plunge and spent a good portion of hard earned to mail order a collection of new paints. They really arent cheap. $6 for a small pot. I bought about 30 different colours and shades and a few inks.

They finally arrived yesterday morning. So now I am set. While waiting for them to arrive I spent many hours assembling the spider and the savage orcs in preparation for paint. Tomorrow, I plan to start the painting process. Its been about 10 years since I did any serious painting so it may be a very long process to get back to any semblance of good...

But Im keen for the challenge. I am feeling very motivated to get into this so I will post some photos once I get some base colours down and show you how I am progressing.

So wish me luck. should be fun. :)

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

And now for something completely the same

This is another drawing that I have yet to ink. I am thinking of just shading the texture with graphite instead of inking it. because I really like the look of it as is and I dont want to ruin it. What are your thoughts?

The all new and hopefully much more interesting attempt

I am starting a blog... a happy blog... gone are the days of the evil bad memories blog... This will be the happy, creative and generally upbeat blog... and there is nothing you can do about it... :)

I will post pictures of my most recent artworks, as I attempt to renew my love for drawing. There may be some not so good ones, there may be some exceptionally awesome ones. But they will all be mine... You will just have to put up with it.

I dont know why I am talking like you wont love it because I know you will... Come along for the ride... It will be great fun. of course now I sound like a creepy guy with free candy but you get the gist.

Lets get things started with my first artwork post, this is a drawing that I was really happy with until I inked it. I am still learning different techniques for inking so it turned out a bit less than good. Tell me what you think.

We shall now commence the critique... and go....