I realised that when I ordered all of the new paints and brushes last week, I didnt order any miniatures...
Now we cant have that... So I just placed another order. 2 boxes of Ogres, A box of Bretonnian Knights and a box of Empire Flagellants.
Ive also come up with an idea for a project. Im going to paint up a standard bearer for each army. For those who dont know, a standard bearer is the bannerman of a unit. Carrying the unit standard. Im going to have some fun playing around with freehand banner designs and such. There are 15 different army types in the warhammer fantasy world. I have already got one for the Orcs and Goblins army and the Skaven Army. The boxes I bought today will give me the Ogre Kingdoms, Bretonnian and Empire. Although the Empire unit I bought is more of a "special unit" so the standard bearer may be a bit different from the idea that I have. But ill see how I go.
So that will just leave High Elves, Wood Elves, Dwarves, Vampire Counts, Tomb Kings, Beastmen, Dark Elves, Warriors of Chaos, Daemons of Chaos and Lizardmen. Im going to invest in the respective box sets over the next month or so. Then will start working on the project. Good Times