Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Some more new purchases

I sat down at the computer during my tea break last night while at work on night shift and was looking for something to do... Decided to log onto my regular Games Workshop suppliers website and have a look around. Needless to say, I spent a bit and bought some new stuff.

Got some tools to help with the construction of my miniatures, as well as another of the Arachnarok Spiders (See earlier blog posts, although I didnt finish the first one, Im not really happy with the way it turned out so ive decided to have another go). lol and got some Savage Orc Boar Boys. which are very cool models and should be a lot of fun to paint.

I dont have any pics to post this week as Ive been busy with interviewing for a new job. Which I have been offered and accepted. :) I put my notice in today with my current employer and will be moving up north to sunny Townsville at the beginning of December. Cant wait. :)

Ill try and get some painting done this weekend. but im going to put it on hold for a while, dont want to get too much done before the move in case anything gets damaged in the move.

Take care and ill post some pics next week. :)

1 comment:

  1. I wasn't really expecting to find a new entry on
    yr blog so it was a nice surprise to find one.
    I didn't think you would have time now with the
    new job and move north all happening.
    Congratulations on all of that and I hope it
    turns out brilliantly! love grannymus
