Monday, December 12, 2011


Sorry for the lack of posts lately. As most of you are aware, I have just moved up to sunny North Queensland and am currently living out of temporary accomodation. But I am moving into a new place next week so I should be back into the swing of things soon.

I got a really awesome shock today though. While googling some research for my arachnarok spider that I am currently working on painting, one of my blog images was included in the recommended images on google. It was a bit of a surprise. :) Got the warm and fuzzy feelings. lol

Anyway. Ill hopefully be back to full operational status in the new year and will get back to painting as much as I can. I plan to have all of my WIP projects finished by easter. I have promised myself that I wont buy anything new till I finish the multitude of stuff that I have on the go at the moment. I hope to be able to keep that promise. See how i go.

Good times. :)

1 comment:

  1. so good to check yr blog and find a new post. I
    didn't think there was a hope of finding anything new. Congratulations on finding something from yr blog on Google. I'M impressed
    too. love and have a good Christmas. grannymus x
