Monday, February 6, 2012

Update on Arachnarok Mk2

I spent a bit of time the other night working on my second effort of the Arachnarok spider. Its a bit rough but its coming along. I am going to paint prior to assembly as ive alluded to in past posts, The legs obstruct access to the body. There is also a wooden cradle thing that sits on top of the spider that is laden with goblins and what not. I am working on painting both of these cradles (from the 2 arachnaroks) together. They are coming along slowly. But no photos as yet.

The last photo is a pile of about 50 Skaven Rats that ive just started. I also have another 50 to assemble so that is going to be a big project. My next army project (after the Orcs and Goblins) is going to be Skaven, they are easy to paint and the scheme is easy to manipulate for the whole army. Im looking forward to painting them, Im going to start buying them now, but not going to start painting until I finish my Orcs.

1 comment:

  1. Tues 7/2 Next time you post could you put a photograph of the brush you use. I'm interested
    in how you can do such fine work. Glad you are
    feeling happier with results. nice to have a few
    challenges ahead. The ship builder (known as
    Chippie) is making great progress with the
    shrouds - he has done 9 out of 56 - so a way to go yet. xx grannymus
