Tuesday, September 18, 2012

A very wide ranging audience

I thought I would share something that I am really shocked by. I was having a look at the page stats for this blog the other day and I was shocked to see the varied range of countries that are represented in my page views.

This is just the top 10 countries. More recently there are a couple of views from Ukraine, Belgium and Austria...

A lot of the views have come from google searches for the Games Workshop minis that i paint and post and more recently a lot of searches for drawings. Im chuffed that the quality of my work has bought people in from across the world to have a look.

So thank you to all and I hope to continue painting and posting my works. 

1 comment:

  1. That really is impressive Triggamus - I guess it
    encourages you to keep painting. I'll watch this space! xx Grannymus
