Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Neglecting the painting...

Ive been neglecting the hobbyist part of my life in the last couple of weeks. I had a party at my place on the weekend and actually packed away all my paints and stuff to avoid anything getting damaged.

I have done a little painting in the last couple of weeks but not as much as I would have liked. This weekend is a long weekend and I will be locking myself in the house and painting... Nothing but painting... So ill have some photos to post next week. Just have to decide what Im going to paint. :)


  1. I am always amazed when I check your web site
    and find a note there that was put on a few
    days ago, because I check each day I thought.

    Look forward to the next lot of pictures after
    this long weekend.

    grannymus xx


  2. Today is Sunday and I am wondering whether it has
    been possible for you to do what you hope and get
    some time with the painting. Hope it happens before
    the end of the long weekend.
    GO TRIGGA!!!

